Official Name |
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The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh |
Capital City |
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Dhaka (Metropolitan area 302.91 sq.Kilometers) |
Independence Day |
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26th March |
Geographical Location |
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In South Asia between 20º34' and 26º38' latitude and between 88º01' & 92º41' east longitude. |
Area |
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1,47,570 Sq.Km |
Territorial Water |
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12 Nautical Miles |
Population |
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130.03 Million (Population Census 2001) (Adjusted) |
Density |
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881 Per Square Km. (Census-2001) |
Growth Rate |
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1.54 |
Population by Area |
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Rural-76.57% Urban-23.43% |
Literacy rate (7+) |
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Both Sex-45.3, Male-49.6, Fema le-40.6(Census 2001) Both Sex-61.3, Male-65.9, Female-56.5 (Completed at least 1st grade) |
Literacy rate (15+) |
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Both Sex 47.5 Male-53.9, Female-40.8 (Census-2001) |
Per Capita Gross National Income (GNI) |
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Taka 28443 (US$463) (2004-05, BBS) |
Language |
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National Language :Bengali-98% English is also widely spoken and understood. |
Religion based Population |
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Muslim (89.7%), Hindu (9.2%), Buddhist (0.7%), Christian (0.3%), Animist and believers in tribal faiths (0.1%) |
Time |
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GMT +6.00 Hours |
Main Seasons |
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Winter (November-February) Summer (March-June) Monsoon (July-October) |
Principal Rivers |
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Padma, Meghna, Jamuna, Brahmaputra,Tista and Karnophuli, (Total 230 rivers including tributaries (BBS pocket book 2003) |
Best Tourist Season |
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October to Much. |
Basic Information |
Important Industries:
Jute, Sugar, Paper, garments, Fertilizer, Cigarette, Cement, Newsprint, Fishing & Food processing, Leather & Leather goods, Timber, Pharmaceutical Chemical Industry, Ceramic Industries etc. |
International: Shahjalal Intl. Airport-Dhaka, Patenga Airport-Chittagong,Osmani Intl. Airport-Sylhet. Domestic: Dhaka,Chittagong, Syl het, Cox's Bazar,Thakurgoan,Syedpur,Ra(shahi,Jessoere & Barisal. |
Climactic Variations:
The climate of Bangladesh is tropical monsoon marked by Sweltering temperature and high humidity. Bangladesh has mainly four seasons: summer (March-May), Monsoon (Jun-September), Autumn (Oct-Nov) and Winter (December-February) |
Mineral Resources:
Natural Gas, Limestone, Hard rock, Coal lignite, Silica Sand,White clay, Radio-active sand etc. (there is a strong possibilities of oil deposit) |
Human Resources:
A substantial manpower reserve well trained and skilled Engineers, Economists, Physicians, Chartered & qualified Accountants, IT Professionals, Technicians, Trained administrative and Managerial Personnel's, abundance of low cost, easily trainable and adoptable and hard Working intelligent and youthful labour force. |